48" x 20"


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Lynn Guina

Woodland Series

48" x 20"

Layout size 2,520 square inches fulled to 960 square inches

Merino wool, mulberry silk paper, cotton velvet, silk organza, Adele’s silk curtain sample, linen thread, mint plant fibre, milk fibre, mulberry silk roving, sari silk waste.

130 hours 

Inspiration – Tree Roots

Restoration the act of returning something to its former state. This panel is the most representational. Hopefully you recognize it’s a tree in the state of being transplanted. I became a bit obsessed trying to figure out how to loosely represent buttress roots and a wood burl. Blair being a soil scientist he simplified the soils layers for me. The cracks are the top soil, the lettering the organic matter and the rocks are the glacier till layer.